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Friday 29 November 2013

Man high on meth runs for 5 days without sleep, chased by military

Imagine that you and some other dude are near the north border of some hostile country, and you suddenly realize that the military are tracking you. If you both go the same way, you’ll both get caught. One of you has to go north, and get out of the country (and away from the military), and the other one has to go south and… well, not get out of the country.

Which direction would you take? North, right? Anyone who would go south would either be truly unfortunate, extremely altruistic, or really stupid. Or, like this guy, you could be completely insane.
He was a Nambian guerilla fighting in Nambia’s war for independence against the apartheid government of South Africa. In other words, he was one of the good guys who fought bad guys with stealth tactics.

Being stealthy and all, he was on foot while his pursuers were in vehicles. That being the case, his pursuers soon caught up with him… NOT. He actually managed to increase the distance between them. What happened? Maybe their vehicle was some tinpot contraption, no good for chasing people? Oh, wait.. it was a Casspir APC, and it was built to withstand landmines. Call me crazy, but I don’t think anything that can handle explosions needs to worry about rough terrain.

Be that as it may, it couldn’t handle this guy. So they called in helicopters. They still couldn’t find him. They didn’t even find evidence that he went to sleep at all. All they found were tracks where the dude collapsed due to exhaustion, got back up and started running again. And they found some used syringes. Yep… the secret behind this guy’s superpowers was methamphetamine.

This went on for 5 days, until the Special Forces on his trail lost his trail. That’s right, they couldn’t catch him. He ran for at least 230 miles, and the military gave up. Wish I knew what happened to him. 

For all I know, maybe he’s still running.

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