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Tuesday 10 December 2013

Lost your cell charger?? Alternative method to charge them up!!!


Lets assume that you are somewhere stuck in the mid of forest and you are trying to reach people through call, unlucky for you as you do not get the network. 
OOLAH!!! suddenly you get the network, lucky! but a fresh event has occurred ; No charge in the cell. 

Would you start thinking that you are unlucky again, that you ran out of charge??
THINK AGAIN!! Because there is a way to charge up your cell battery, with a little helping hand from the nature around you in that forest. Ya its Pipal tree (Ashwatha tree)!!! 

You just have to grab a couple of leaves from the tree and hold its stem end to your battery terminals for some time. Make an effort to connect them and keep it on a side for a while as you wouldn't love yourself to sit there like a buffoon till it gets charged, anyways that's up to your choice!!

But this surely works, and it is as simple as it looks, no hidden instructions and a good free charge of the battery using nature around you. Next time you lose your charger, the first thing you might want to do is plant one ashwatha tree around your place. Make earth green!!! CHEERS 


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